Note that in the Saxon Stories the brothers are referred to as either Ubba/Ivar/Halfdan or occasionally "Ubba Lothbrokson" etc. We'll see more of Ivar in the next series of the show. He and his brothers Ivar and Halfdan led the Great Heathen Army which invaded Britain in the time of Alfred the Great. The guy Uhtred kills beside the sea in Wales is Ragnar Lothbrok's son. Ragnar Lothbrok's family features prominently in "The Last Kingdom". In both cases, we'd expect their sons to be called Ragnarson/Ragnarsson, as the Nordic naming convention at the time used that style. Ragnar Lothbrok is Ragnar, and Lothbrock is actually a nickname.The similar names are a coincidence because of common names (or more likely, not a coincidence: Ragnar was a fairly common name in Denmark in the 5th-10th century), and the creator of the Saxon Stories likely took the name from the stories of the "real" Ragnar Lothbrok. Ragnar and his father Ravn (along with Ragnar's sons, Ragnar Ragnarson and Rorik Ragnarson, and his daughter Thyra Ragnarsdottir) are fictional characters who are not claimed to be in any way related to Ragnar Lothbrok. Ravn is the blind man Uhtred meets and cuts food for shortly after being captured. Ragnar from "The Last Kingdom" is Ragnar Ravnson. If you don't wish to find spoilers, this probably isn't the answer for you. Note: This post is spoiler-heavy, and using spoiler tags would make it rather cumbersome. If these two series are taking place in the same time span, the question is: what is the connection between Ragnar, the main character in Vikings, and Ragnar, the stepfather of Uhtred? Are they the same person? Is the one an ancestor of the other? As documented here, late 9th century was marked by a Viking view of England as "a place to colonize, to settle" and not to merely raid. I believe that Vikings can be set in the same time span. This means, it can be brought back to the last decades of the 9th century. We know that The Last Kingdom takes place in the not-yet-established England in a time where Alfred ruled Wessex. Cornwell brilliantly mixes historical facts with some fictional elements and characters. The Last Kingdom is based on the novels by Bernard Cornwell ( The Saxon Stories - definitely worth a read!).

A Saxon born, Danish adopted warrior who takes on the name Uhtred Ragnarson, referring to his Danish step-dad. In The Last Kingdom we follow Uhtred, son of Uhtred. Vikings is inspired by historical events. The popular History series Vikings is run by Ragnar Lothbrok, the main character who is a Viking that set his eyes on England.